Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Ohio Conference

Members of the Charleston Pathfinder club participate in the Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder Bible Experience event at Blue Mountain Academy. Photo by Illac Martinez

Sixteen Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference will continue on to the North American Division finals in Chicago April 21-22.

Peter M. Simpson, coordinador de los ministerios hispanos en la Asociación de Ohio, bautizando a Salvador Hernández, un nuevo miembro de la iglesia hispana de Hamilton

Durante el Congreso de la Unión de Columbia en mayo 2016, los líderes de la unión y los presidentes de las asociaciones se comprometieron en continuar enfocándose fuertemente en el evangelismo durante el nuevo quinquenio, comenzando con una iniciativa bajo el lema “Comparte la luz, comparte la esperanza”.  A continuación, se destacan los resultados de algunos de estos esfuerzos:

Members of seven churches in northeastern Ohio, along with the Ohio Conference, have been on a journey of faith this year. The July/August 2016 issue of the Visitor shared how educational evangelism grew a rural school in Clarksfield. In the last few months, they have outgrown their building. Thus, a united body—including students, parents, teachers, pastors, members and conference leaders—prayed earnestly for a new school.