God in Your Pocket
Story by Eli Rojas
A friend recently told me that God doesn’t get involved in our lives. He said, “Imagine you have God on a shelf at home. Things are fine, but suddenly there’s a problem. You run home, grab Jesus and put Him in your pocket, close to your heart. Then you confront the problem you’re having.” I asked, “Then what?” With a smile, he clarified, “Then you put God back on the shelf!”
God desires a different relationship. In Exodus 25:8, He communicates that He wants to dwell among His people. In Psalm 23, we learn that God is all around us. In Matthew 28:20, He promises to be with us “to the very end of the age” (NIV). The most loving reflection of God’s desire is found in John 14:1-3: “… I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (NIV). He wants to be with us for eternity!
How would your life change if you believed that God is always with you? Live each day acknowledging God’s presence; it will transform the way you live.
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