Read stories about the Columbia Union Conference Pathfinders and the many activities they do to impact their communities. Check out past articles about the camporees in OshKosh, Wisconsin and the August 2022 Columbia Union Relentless Camporee.
The Master Guide Camporee, held from Sept. 6-8, was a resounding success, says leaders, bringing together 250 participants from diverse cultural backgrounds.
In August, some 60,000 Pathfinders and staff from around the world, including 6,689 registered campers from the Columbia Union Conference, descended on the CAM-PLEX campus in Gillette, Wyo., for the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee.
Este verano, 6,689 conquistadores de Columbia Union asistieron al Camporee Internacional “Cree en la Promesa”, que se llevó a cabo por primera vez en Gillette, Wyoming.
With another potential strong storm forecasted to come through Gillette, Wy., tomorrow, International Camporee leaders had to make the hard logistical decision to cancel the Sabbath morning and Saturday evening programs previously scheduled to conclude the event. “Every effort is being made to keep Pathfinders safe during the next few days,” say event leaders.
At the International Camporee’s meeting Wednesday evening, 83 Columbia Union Conference Pathfinders were unphased by the large crowd. Confidently, they committed their lives to God by bravely dipping into the cold, portable baptismal pools in Gillette, Wy.
Severe thunderstorms, strong winds and hail are predicted for Sabbath late afternoon and evening in Gillette Wyoming, changing plans for 'Believe the Promise' International Camporee.
By way of on- and-off campus activities, Pathfinders at the ‘Believe the Promise’ International Camporee have had the opportunity to learn more about other regions of the world and continent.
The 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee (IPC) at the CAM-PLEX Multi-Event Facilities canceled its Tuesday night program due to thunderstorms that brought heavy rains and lightning.