Attendees of the Mountain View Conference (MVC) Camp Meeting recently saw three conference presidents at the event and were pleasantly surprised with a visit from Marcellus T. Robinson, the new Columbia Union Conference president.
The Mountain View Conference welcomes Lynnwood Spangler, the Summersville church district pastor, and Roger Curtis, the Buckhannon, Glenville and Parsons church district pastor.
When he joined a nondenominational Facebook group for pastors, D.W. West, pastor of the Charleston Boulevard/Point Pleasant district, never dreamed that someday his decision would take him around the world.
Allegheny West Conference’s Multicultural Department, in partnership with Mountain View Conference (MVC), recently went on a mission trip to India. Sixty-one missionaries got on a plane and arrived in the city of Hyderabad two days later.
Recently, a group of 16 brave Mountain View Conference members ventured across the Atlantic Ocean to serve in India on a short-term mission trip to serve “the least of these.”