Genuinely believing in God means to adhere to, trust in, rely on, and, most importantly, have faith in Him. That is scary to me, but I know for certain it is true.
Mike Hewitt, president of the Mountain View Conference, recently shared this letter, announcing he had accepted a call to the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.
Longtime Mountain View Conference (MVC) members may know interesting facts and statistics about the conference. Recent members who have moved here from other areas may be unaware of its early history.
This is one of those special verses that has not only helped me handle those tough moments in life, but I believe it has also strengthened those with whom I’ve shared this verse.
Given the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s history and distinctive focus on the second coming of Jesus Christ, it’s not surprising that, during tough economic times, after natural disasters or amid seasons of great uncertainty, many members speculate how “near” the end is. The Visitor team talked with four pastors and captured excerpts of their perspectives.
On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Mountain View Conference (MVC) constituents and friends were saddened to receive the news that Larry Boggess passed to his rest.
I relate this to a person’s life before they find Christ. They are always searching for something, knowing something in their lives is lacking or missing.
The question is, are believers claiming these promises amid COVID-19? Are children in the church’s sphere of influence witnessing this unwavering faith and trust?