Mountain View Conference's goal is to advance the Great Commission Christ gave. He said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19, NIV).
Did you know there is an Adventist connection to a famous groundhog? One of the first French Creek Freddies, West Virginia’s popular weather prognosticating groundhog, was found and raised by members of a Mountain View Conference church.
I realize that whatever I go through in my flesh is because Jesus is allowing me to experience challenges for my best good. He wants me to someday be like Him (1 John 3:2).
A child trusts and believes until the sin of the world—through experiences and hurt—destroys that trust. Only Jesus can restore our childlike faith and hope.
Donald and Amber West, members of Mountain View Conference's Point Pleasant (W.Va.) church, share how God brought them together and how He called them to come home.
Imagine you are a turkey hunter in the woods on a beautiful spring morning. After conversing with a wild turkey gobbler you know to be the boss of the woods, you have made your last call. He has sounded off his last time and has zoomed in on your position.
David is drawing from the book of nature to tell us to thrust our roots deep into the Word of God amid the spiritual drought that surrounds us to find the living waters that will enable us to grow tall and allow us to flourish and bear the fruit of the Spirit.