After Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) mission statement was created in 2018, a survey was sent to MVC committee members, pastors, teachers and leaders. After the data was compiled, the results were presented to the MVC Executive Committee in December for further clarity. The conference administration team then took the information and created a single document reflecting the prayerful thoughts and ideas of those surveyed. In January 2019, the Executive Committee unanimously approved the document shown.
We can testify that Jesus has been with the Mountain View Conference throughout the last five years. As we have made mission our primary focus, He has blessed in ways that have left us speechless at times.
Prayer is powerful. I’m sure if you asked most anyone, they would agree with this statement. But how many truly understand the power of prayer and take time daily to plead with God? How many truly claim His promises and persevere in prayer?
When I pray, one of my favorite scriptures I repeat is 2 Peter 1:4. God has given us “exceedingly great and precious promises” (NKJV). I know that God had prepared this perfect house for us.
Pathfinders are thriving within the Mountain View Conference (MVC). With eight clubs, and with children eager to participate ... our conference provides many opportunities to stretch and grow our young people,” shares Joel Stecker, MVC Pathfinder director.
Mountain View Conference's Toll Gate church in Pennsboro, W.Va., recently
hosted its inaugural Biker Sabbath, after connecting with Pastor Bill and Audrey Hunt, leaders of the Three Angels’ Messengers (3AM) Motorcycle Association, during campmeeting.
When Priska Volpe took her first Steps to Christ to the gym, she prayed for the Holy Spirit to provide an opportunity to share the book and to give her the boldness and courage to talk with someone.
How often do you contemplate the blessings in your life? I firmly believe that focusing on the blessings God has given us—both individually and as a church—helps keep our priorities straight and our attitudes correctly tuned. Even if problems and tragedies run into us like a Mack Truck, with God on our side, there are plenty of things to celebrate.
After their baptism into the Seventh-day Adventist Church in May of 1999, Jim and Elaine Buchanan quickly began sharing the Word of God in their community.