Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Mountain View Conference

News from the Mountain View Conference, which includes West Virginia & a small part of Maryland

Senior and volunteer Maddie Wymer from the Highland Adventist School grooms a dog at Fancy Paws.

After Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) mission statement was created in 2018, a survey was sent to MVC committee members, pastors, teachers and leaders. After the data was compiled, the results were presented to the MVC Executive Committee in December for further clarity. The conference administration team then took the information and created a single document reflecting the prayerful thoughts and ideas of those surveyed. In January 2019, the Executive Committee unanimously approved the document shown.

Photo by Workandapix on Pixaby

How often do you contemplate the blessings in your life? I firmly believe that focusing on the blessings God has given us—both individually and as a church—helps keep our priorities straight and our attitudes correctly tuned. Even if problems and tragedies run into us like a Mack Truck, with God on our side, there are plenty of things to celebrate.