January 3, 2021: Live by Faith
For we live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7, NIV).
This short verse contains guidance on how to live our lives.
Will the current pandemic pass? When? How much longer will it last?
Will my life ever calm down again? In the midst of this storm, time is not standing still; it is not waiting for me to catch up. It will not go back to redeem days. I am not getting any younger. In fact, to the contrary, every joint in my body is starting to hurt.
But I believe in and live by faith. I know that nothing in the future, whether I succeed or fail or am in good health or not, will stunt my growth in God, because I believe in Him and His Word.
We are in this storm together, and must have faith that better days are ahead, “for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV). We are sons and daughters of a King who already defeated evil.
Our King, Jesus Christ, please give us the strength to walk through the stormy paths of life. May we see the light at the end of the tunnel. By placing faith in You, may You assure us of this promise. Amen.
Laura Ottati-Romero is the director of Children’s Ministries and the executive assistant of Multicultural Ministries for the Allegheny West Conference.
More Devotionals
- January 1: Put God First
- January 2: Light in the Darkness
- January 3: Live by Faith
- January 4: Prisoners of Praise
- January 5: Pushing Back Against Spiritual Distancing
- January 6: The Phone Call
- January 7: Just Ask
- January 8: Find Home
- January 9: Joy is a Promise
- January 10: Just the Boost I Needed
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- Every Day—Read our Words of Life daily devotional book that features favorite Bible verses from members, pastors, students and leaders from across the Columbia Union. You can also read the devotionals on the Columbia Union app, and interact with the verses in our instagram stories.
- Every Week—Delivered straight to your email, read our e-newsletter by subscribing to Visitor News Bulletin at columbiaunionvisitor.com/vnb. Keep up with the latest Year of the Bible events, devotionals, videos and more.
- Every Month—This calendar, themed “Words of Life,” coincides with the devotional book and videos. It features a biblical topic and verse each month, with additional passages for further exploration, study and ideas on how to apply the concepts in your daily life.
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