Retired Mountain View Conference President Larry Boggess Passes Away
Story by Valerie Morikone
On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Mountain View Conference (MVC) constituents and friends were saddened to receive the news that Larry Boggess passed to his rest. Boggess retired as MVC president in 2017. He and his wife, Jo’an, then moved to their country home in Ohio to live near family.
Boggess arrived to MVC in 1989 to pastor the Beckley (W.Va.) church, and pastored several churches for more than a decade. In 2002, Boggess was elected to the office of executive secretary, and, in 2006, became MVC president, a position he held for almost 12 years, also adding the title of superintendent of education for several years.
“Elder Boggess was a wonderful friend and a dedicated worker for Jesus,” shares Mike Hewitt, MVC president. “My heart is sad now, but I know we will see him again very soon when Jesus returns in power and glory.”
Dave Weigley, Columbia Union Conference president, adds, “Larry was friendly, approachable and loved people. ... “His greatest passion was evangelism and bringing people to Jesus.”
Known as an enthusiastic leader who never seemed to slow down, during Boggess’ presidency in 2013–14, the conference membership participated in Reach Appalachia. Working in partnership with the Voice of Prophecy (VOP), the entire MVC region was blanketed with VOP Bible study invitation cards through mass mailings. Graduations were held in three locations after months of intensive in-home, drop-off studies and correspondence schools. The end result was an increased lay member involvement in Bible studies, as well as baptisms from VOP interests. Boggess organized events such as ShareHim Boot Camps, Missionary Bible Worker training, New Member retreats and more—all hosted at Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va.
Boggess’ past Seventh-day Adventist denominational positions include a pastor in the Chesapeake Conference; various sales and leadership roles with Loma Linda Foods; assistant publishing secretary for the Oklahoma Conference; publishing director in the Texico and Texas conferences; and manager of the Illinois Conference Adventist Book Center.
Boggess is survived by his wife, Jo’an; daughter, Amanda Boggess Cox; sons Chris and Tim; 12 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.
Due to COVID-19, there will be no memorial service planned. If so inclined, cards and sympathy gifts can be sent to 4800 Lutheran Church Road, Germantown, OH 45327.
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