Trenton Spanish Prays, Cares for the Hurting
Story by Yelitza De Leon
The Trenton Spanish church is a large family that cares for its surrounding community. In these recent times of uncertainty, many turned to Trenton Spanish for financial and spiritual help, and leaders gathered to create a plan of action.
At the beginning of quarantine, Trenton Spanish distributed funds to members and nonmembers who needed food, medicine and more. With the help of other contributing families in the community, members gathered and distributed truck-sized food donations to families that were in need. Leaders formed prayer chains three times a day, and many felt supported and loved.
Unfortunately, some members lost their lives, and the church continues to support their families. Elders attended and led funeral services for these families.
Humans tend to create attachments to physical things, so when they physical church closed, many struggled with their faith. Members offered gratitude to their tech team that created online services to reach people worldwide. Members understand how easy it can be to be distracted by what is happening in the world and forget to be thankful to God. This situation reminded them that their Savior is still and always will be good, for He hurts with them.
As the promise in Philippians 4:6–7 states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (NIV). Trenton Spanish holds onto the Lord, who forever is good, for when they hurt, He hurts.
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