July 28, 2021: Perfect Love
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment” (1 John 4:18, KJV).
This verse has meant a lot to me through the years because I’ve always feared that people wouldn’t like me or accept me because I was not good enough. This lack of confidence kept me from trying a lot of things for fear of rejection or failure.
Fast forward through many years of heartache and a broken first marriage, and I met someone who didn’t want to change me. He accepted me just as I was. It took a long time to be convinced that someone could truly love me, as imperfect as I thought I was. But after five years, he won me over by his kindness, compassion and love, and we married. Shortly thereafter, we heard about the wonderful message of Jesus Christ and joined God’s church body.
Looking back, I realize today that it was the perfect love of Jesus shining through him that won my love and confidence. Because of my husband, I learned that I was valuable to Jesus. When you learn about the unconditional love of Jesus—to the point of death—and the wonderful truths of the Gospel, you find your self-worth in Him and not in people, jobs or worldly treasure. When you have Jesus, you find He is all you need. There is no fear. You can live in peace and happiness.
Even though my husband has since passed, I still have Jesus with me every day. I share His love with others, so that they can trust in Him and be rid of all their fears, no matter what life brings their way.
Thank You, God, that I find my self-worth in You. Amen.
Phyllis Curry is the treasurer for the Elkins church in West Virginia.