Mountain View Conference Invites: ‘Tell Somebody About Jesus’
Story by Valerie Morikone
The Mountain View Conference (MVC) camp meeting at Valley Vista in Parkersburg, W.Va., has impacted hundreds of individuals through the years. This year was no different for those attending in person or viewing online.
Conference leaders believe that everyone needs to be involved in sharing Jesus with others; it should be a coveted desire, not an option, to reach out to others with the good news of Jesus Christ and His wonderful love. That’s why, for the next few years, “Tell Somebody About Jesus ... Go Tell It on the Mountains” will be MVC’s theme.
“We need to have Jesus bubbling out of us every day,” says Tim Bailey, conference president. “We can tell our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers about Jesus. Not just a few scattered members among isolated MVC churches. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to have such a love for others that we cannot contain ourselves. That love will connect us with others as we tell them about Jesus. Total Member Involvement is what is needed.”
During a sermon at camp meeting, Dave Weigley (pictured praying with Tim and Liz Bailey), Columbia Union Conference president, affirmed the conference’s mission: “I have seen leaders step up to the plate and lead in a remarkable manner. This conference is on the right trajectory. God is going to do great things because of what He can do and because of your trust in Him, in putting on the whole armor of God and bathing everything you do with sincere, supplicating, persevering prayer.”
This year, the evangelism offerings and the Past President’s Pocket Fund showed remarkable evi- dence of God’s providence. The pocket fund was an idea Randy Murphy, former MVC president, inst tuted during his first camp meeting at Valley Vista in 1989. It was a fun way for people to stuff his shirt pocket with money for various projects that were promoted at camp meeting.
Murphy still wears a pocketed shirt at camp meeting for that very purpose. This year’s project, “Kidz to Kamp,” resulted in the largest pocket fund total ever. Attendees donated more than $35,000 to assist kids who want to attend Valley Vista’s summer camp but don’t have the financial resources. Two teenagers emptied their savings accounts of $400 each to contribute to this fund. Another person donated $10,000 because he was blessed at summer camp and wants other children to also hear about Jesus.
Bailey shared that about $96,000 was raised for evangelism at this year’s camp meeting. With these funds, leaders are formulating plans to hold evangelistic meetings in every MVC church that wants to grow and tell others about Jesus and His love.
“Please pray as we prepare for growth and revitalization in each of our churches,” says Bailey.
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