Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Expectant mothers display gifts they received from the Community Baby Shower.

Ephesus and CelebrateOne Empower Expectant Mothers

Story by Keigh S. Goodman, Sr., Pastor

In an inspiring demonstration of community unity and compassion, Ephesus Adventist Community Services and Ephesus Women’s Ministries, led by Michaela Rodgers and Tarshalla Hanks, respectfully, recently forged a dynamic partnership with CelebrateOne.

CelebrateOne is an initiative that falls under the auspices of the office of Andrew J. Ginther, mayor of the City of Columbus. Their mission is to tackle head-on the pressing issue of infant mortality.

Together, the two ministries at the Ephesus church in Columbus, Ohio, and CelebrateOne orchestrated a memorable event that served as a testament to the enduring spirit of community and the transformative power of faith.

CelebrateOne, renowned for its multifaceted programs and its data-driven strategies aimed at dismantling infant mortality within marginalized communities, arrived with brand-new diaper bags for the expectant mothers.

In the weeks leading up to the Community Baby Shower, Ephesus members diligently collected essential baby items. From the indispensable wipes and diapers to some of the most charming baby clothes, these essentials were assembled into gift bags and put on display with the grace of a high end boutique.

It was clear that this was not simply some charity event; this was a demonstration of love to afford mothers the dignity of choice, free from financial constraints. To go above and beyond, some members of the Ephesus church provided some brand new car seats to ensure the safety of some of Columbus’ newest arrivals.

The event hosted more than 50 expectant mothers and their families. The church’s fellowship hall was adorned with colorful balloons and table decorations. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and was made even sweeter with an array of refreshments.

Adding a profoundly spiritual dimension to the gathering, the pastor and a member of the board of elders were present to offer prayers and support to any who felt they needed it. Some expectant mothers nervously shared they had been told their pregnancies were considered “high risk.” Others expressed their uneasiness because they were becoming mothers for the very first time.

This baby shower was more than just providing material assistance; it was also intended to nurture and empower these mothers on a spiritual level.

Ellen White writes, “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people” (Ministry of Healing, p. 143). The approach embraced at this Community Baby Shower exemplified the very essence of Christ’s methodology: a heartfelt mingling with people, an authentic display of empathy, a commitment to addressing their myriad needs, and most crucially, the cultivation of trust and confidence with the community.

Amid the celebration, one expectant mother revealed she was three centimeters dilated at the time. This unexpected revelation only served to underscore the urgency and relevancy of the collective work of Ephesus and CelebrateOne.

By God’s grace, the Ephesus church, in partnership with CelebrateOne, showed what unity and compassion can look like—faith and love in action.

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