Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Toll Gate Church Hosts First Annual ‘Giveaway’,

Toll Gate Church Hosts First Annual ‘Giveaway’

Story by Cindy McGill

As a show of love and support to the local community, the Toll Gate church in Pennsboro, W.Va., sponsored a church “giveaway” earlier this year. The congregation’s generosity and group effort resulted in what would have put many yard sales to shame.

Advertising the free giveaway brought an onslaught of people, as cars stretched to the highway with a long line of people waiting for the doors to open. A literature table prominently displayed free books and Bible studies, and church members “planted seeds” that the Holy Spirit will water for a future harvest. The community’s response was even better than expected, as the guests expressed gratitude and appreciation.

Toll Gate plans to make this an annual event and hopes to be known as “that church down the road that gives without expecting anything in return.”

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