Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Former patients and their parents joyfully reunite with caregivers!

Shady Grove Medical Center NICU Reunion Was a Sea of Smiles

Story by Adventist HealthCare Staff

Last October, Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) welcomed over 200 families for its highly anticipated reunion. With the theme “It’s Great to SEA You,” little mermaids and brave sailors gathered at the picturesque “rio” lakefront in Gaithersburg for their first in-person event since 2019.

Sounds of laughter filled the air as NICU graduates ages 10 and younger donned Shady Grove sailor hats and enjoyed sweet treats, carousel rides, a beach sand art station, a balloon twister and an ocean-themed photo booth. Families shared stories of their courageous care experiences at the “How Big Was I?” table. The activity, featuring preemie dolls and nautical-themed weighted items, allowed NICU graduates to see and feel their sizes as newborns.

The most heartwarming aspect of the event was reuniting our nurses and their once-tiny patients. Many families expressed their excitement at returning to an in-person gathering and emphasized the profound significance of the NICU in their lives.

William Yang, a parent, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Our son spent over a month in the NICU. The nurses helped us through some difficult times, and we are truly grateful for them.”

Suanne Reid, another parent, praised the NICU nurses as superheroes and angels walking on Earth. “They not only took care of our son but also made sure my husband and I were taken care of. We will forever be grateful for them.”

Nurse Manager Laura Speer, RN, and the PR/Marketing

team played an essential role in planning the event. “Today, we celebrate not only how far our NICU graduates have come but also the enduring connections formed with our dedicated nurses during those challenging days,” Speer said.

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