Vineland Church Celebrates 150 Years
Story by Stephen Lee
The Vineland English church recently celebrated its 150th anniversary with the theme, “The Lord Almighty Is With Us,” based on Psalm 46:11.
The earliest known article regarding the Vineland English church appeared in the January 1867 issue of the Adventist Review, written by R. Cochran. He noted, “A goodly number came to the meeting. I read the Bible, talked, and prayed, and the Lord was with us by His Holy Spirit to help; for tears flowed freely from the eyes of old professors, and the unconverted” (p. 94).
The Vineland English church was officially organized June 14, 1874, with nine adults and six children. Initially, the congregation rented a hall for $2.00 per month. On May 30, 1924, they acquired their current property.
The 150th anniversary worship service was a heartfelt event, filled with thanksgiving to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness toward His people, say leaders.
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