News from the Allegheny East Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which includes churches and schools in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
What happens when you add fasting to your prayers? Does it make you eligible for bonus blessings? Watch this video to hear from Miracle Temple church members in Baltimore, who share what they experienced when they tried this ancient discipline.
The Washington Metro Adventist Community Services (WMACS) Federation—in partnership with Adventist Community Services (ACS) of the North American Division and Allegheny East Conference (AEC), and the Columbia Union Conference office of Ministries Development—recently sponsored a premier crisis care training course.
Community Church Christmas Play Yields 22 Baptisms Story by Yvette McNaught
Twenty-two people, mostly youth, expressed their desire to be baptized when Pastor Ivor Keizer made an appeal after a Christmas play at the Community church in Englewood, N.J.