Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Potomac Conference

The Emotional Wellness Summit, held January 13-17 in Orlando, Fla., was designed for health professionals and leaders, pastors and those who want to know more about prevention, treatment and recovery strategies for better mental health. Two union attendees answer our question about the event, sponsored by the North American Division Adventist Health Ministries, the South American Division and General Conference.

Jerrod and Jennifer Gabel

After prayerful consideration, Jerrod and Jennifer Gabel, directors of Camp Blue Ridge (Montebello, Va.) have decided to return to Washington State to work on his family’s long-standing farm. The farm has encountered significant challenges over the years and they feel a strong calling to return and support the family in this time of need. Their last day with the Potomac Conference will be Feb. 29.

The largest freshman class in 15 years—54 of them—recently enrolled at Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) for the 2015-16 school year. The Class of 2019 is comprised of 32 girls and 22 boys. Eight are children of 10 loyal SVA alumni.

Story by Janel Haas-Ware, Shenandoah Valley Academy