In Her Book, Chesapeake Member Says God Cured Her Cancer
Interview by Taashi Rowe
Mayra Guillén, a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Glenn Dale Spanish church in Glenn Dale, Md., recently release her first book, Vida Sana con Jesús (Healthy Living With Jesus). In the book, Guillén, who came to the United States at the age of 17, shares her testimony of healing and how she came to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Below, she shares how she became interested in health:
Q: When did you realize something was wrong?
A: I started to feel without energy and very sleepy. None of the food I was eating agreed with my body and my stomach was enlarging. In the beginning of the year 2007, my entire body went numb, my legs and arms were immobilized, even though I could breathe. I went to see the doctor and they performed some tests. The results showed that I had gastritis and the H. pylori bacteria. I continued to feel bad, even after taking all that I was prescribed. I then decided to fly to Nicaragua at the end of that same year, and they told me that I had chronic gastritis, cancer cells and that the walls of my stomach were totally worn down. There were tumors in my stomach and colon.
Q: That must have been very scary. What did you do?
A: The news was a lot to take in! In the midst of the deep pain, there was something inside of me that told me to trust and not to despair. I started crying out to God, “Lord Jesus, don’t leave me. Be my Doctor, my Healer, my Redeemer.” And the Lord answered, “I will use you to be my witness and to tell the wonderful works that I have done in your life.”
Q: How did you go about treating your illness?
A: I started with the conventional medical treatment that the doctors in Nicaragua gave me. Two months later, I returned to the United States to my husband and children. I looked for a second opinion, and I was told that the cancer was spreading.
Q: What was the turning point for you?
A: One night at home, I got an awful headache, and all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. My husband took me to the hospital. I was admitted, they ran tests and realized that I almost had a brain hemorrhage due to my stomach. They needed to operate right away to take out my stomach and to insert a tube. They warned me that the operation was very risky and that they couldn’t assure a successful intervention. After hearing these words, I felt so frightened, but at the same time I trusted Jesus more than ever before. Right there, I started praying and crying to God to receive His strength.
Q: Did you go through with the operation?
A: I felt that my life was coming to an end when all of the sudden I felt as if someone touched my arm, and I heard a voice say, “I am here with you. Get up.” I looked up and at that very moment I called in the nurses and asked them to be released, for I was not going to have the surgery. It was 2 a.m. when that happened, and I told the doctors, ‘I know that my Redeemer lives and He will save me. He is my divine Doctor.’ At that point, I called my husband and asked him to take me back home.
Q: Some people would say that you are crazy to leave the hospital. What was your next move?
A: The next day, I quickly called my pastors to share with them my hurt, condition and to ask for help through their prayers and their radio program called “Waves of Hope.” My faith was still in my Lord Jesus. One Friday, as I was getting ready for a small group at my house, I met a Dominican sister. She was not planning to come to my small group, but she did, and told me, ‘My God has sent me to you. I must make a phone call.’ Immediately, she contacted a brother in Virginia, who contacted a Seventh-day Adventist, holistic doctor in New York. Two days later, I had an appointment with him.
I still had the hope that he would say that it was all a lie, but he gave me the same results. I broke into tears. To my surprise, the doctor looked at me and gave me great hope based in Jesus and upon my obedience to doctor’s orders. He told me to stop working right away, which was very hard to do. He recommended that I go to the Dominican Republic to a holistic center called Campo Real.
Q: That sounds expensive.
A: I didn't have the money to do any of it, but God provided supernaturally through my brothers and sisters in Christ, Pastors José Esposito Jr., Fausto Salazar, José Barrientos, the Hispanic work and good friends. That’s how I was able to travel right away, and I was admitted into the holistic center. At that point, the hardest thing to do was to leave my older son all by himself for a few months.
Q: What happened when you got there?
A: When I arrived at Campo Real with my husband and baby, I quickly noticed that they worshipped God all the time. They had complete trust and faith in God. Little by little, I started my routine. There was service in the morning and at night seven days a week. I went to bed early, at 7 p.m. and I woke up at 6 a.m. I proceeded with the treatment, which included several types of therapies and new life habits. I had a total change of lifestyle and way of eating. Together with these changes, I had to believe in Jesus and obey Him. It was necessary to pray, have faith, meditate in God and to recognize the grace of God surrounding me at all times.
Q: Obviously the treatments were successful!
A: Yes. I finally went back home after three months of treatment. I went to see the doctor to find out the results of the treatment. The doctor said there was no more cancer! I couldn’t believe it! The esophagus was restored, it was accepting all I was eating, the colon was clean, the liver was back to normal, the kidneys were fine ... I could only thank God! At that moment, I renewed my covenant with Him and told Him, “Here I am, send me.”
To learn more about Guillen’s ministry and to get a copy of her book, which is written in Spanish, send an email to: Ebelyn12142002@gmail.com.
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