ACSGW Gets a "Facelift"
ACSGW Gets "Facelift"
Story by Alicia Tucker
More than 40 volunteers recently swarming over all over the exterior Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) community service center on Sligo Avenue in Silver Spring, Md., compliments of Montgomery County’s Rebuilding Together Montgomery County (RTMC) and Fannie Mae.
The all-day event was a long-awaited project. Wear and tear had taken its toll at the center. Siding was primed, railings and curbs were painted and landscaping improved. The removal of the deck was a major improvement on the Bavarian-style structure, which was erected in 1983. On May 19, Rebuilding Together has arranged for volunteers from NRG Energy to apply a second coat of paint to the exterior and make other needed repairs.
Upgrade projects have been a luxury for ACSGW, as its first priority is to help the growing number of low-income families in the community with food, clothing and educational services; but after many months of patiently waiting, ACSGW’s turn had finally come, says leaders.
Pat Tyser, ACSGW's administrative officer and John Reed, program director, set the project in motion months ago when they first made the application.
“ACSGW is just one of many Rebuilding Together projects,” indicated Aaron Gonzales, development director, who was actively involved in the days’ work. “We have 3,000 volunteers out there on 126 other projects today, too! Every April we partner with Fannie Mae and take advantage of their company-wide volunteer effort, Seven Days to Serve.”
Ken Flemmer, ACSGW’s director, shared “What Rebuilding Together and Fannie Mae and other groups are doing is more than I could hope for. Our clients want to be served or study in a nice modern location. This exterior upgrade is a big step in that direction.”
Fannie Mae raised the funds for the work at ACSGW. RTMC is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with community volunteers to make critical repairs for nonprofits and low-income homeowners.
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