August 6, 2021: The Mountain That Moved
“He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you’” (Matt. 17:20, NIV).
Six years ago, when I was preparing to graduate with a master’s degree in Children and Family Ministry at Bethel University (Minn.), I noticed that graduation would be held on a Saturday—my Sabbath. I spoke to one of my classmates about whether the administration would ever consider switching it to a different day. My classmate doubted they’d change the day for just one person.
I gave it a try, praying for God to intervene. Unfortunately, the registrar explained that it wouldn’t be possible to change the day, but I could graduate on a Sunday as a guest from another university. I was heartbroken and wondered why God didn’t intervene, but went ahead with the preparation for graduating elsewhere.
Two months later, I received an email from the registrar’s office notifying me that graduation had been changed to Sunday. I couldn’t believe it! Did God really answer my prayer to graduate in person with my classmates? I had never seen Him change a situation to fit my exact request, especially a seemingly insurmountable mountain—an event that had been the university’s tradition for years. This experience humbled me, and I learned to be more dependent on God.
Lord, when life isn’t easy, and we are met with many challenges, may we put our trust in You, believing that You will come through. Amen.
Tanya Muganda is a member of the Sligo church in Maryland.