December 1, 2021: The Real Superman
“The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them” (Luke 19:10, ICB).
I have a bad habit of getting lost. I’ve been lost in grocery stores, malls, parks and even at church.
When I was 2, I climbed out of my stroller at Hershey Park to look at some flowers, and, when I turned around, my parents were gone. I don’t remember what happened next, but somehow I ended up at the Lost and Found with a nice lady. Soon after that, my dad came and found me.
When I was 4, we went to Disney World, and just before the big fireworks show, we went into a souvenir shop. I spotted a Minnie Mouse hat with a crown on it that looked really cool. As her biggest fan at the time, I had to get my hands on it. When I turned to show my mom and sister, I couldn’t find them. An employee sat with me until they came and found me.
Another time, my dad, sister and I were walking in our town. We waited a long time for the light to signal that it was our time to cross the street. Knowing it would soon change, I started walking, and didn’t notice a bus heading toward me. Suddenly, my dad picked me up and carried me back to the sidewalk, just as the bus passed. Once again, my dad had rescued me.
Luke 19:10 reminds me that Jesus loves us so much that He came to save us. And when we get into trouble or when we are lost, He rescues us. He is the real Superman!
Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me. Thank You that You came to rescue us and save us. Amen.
Sarita Blyden is a fourth-grader at Atholton Adventist Academy in Maryland.