Virtual Bible Conference Yields 13 Baptisms
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Several churches in Allegheny East Conference’s Bay Area, including congregations in Delaware, Maryland and South Jersey, recently hosted a joint virtual evangelistic series titled, “Living with Hope Bible Conference.” The 20-day conference resulted in 13 baptisms at the Sharon Temple church in Wilmington, Del., the New Life church in Salisbury, Md., and the Glassboro (N.J.) church. Several other individuals expressed interest in baptismal classes.
The idea for the conference started as a series Jimmy Ferguson, pastor of Sharon Temple, planned for his church. However, after considering the topic and speaker, Gene Donaldson, the conference’s ministerial director, Ferguson, who serves as the Bay Area leader, extended the invitation to other churches within the Bay territory. The effort included 11 churches, eight pastors and four language groups: English, Spanish, Swahili and Korean.
Among those who expressed interest in being baptized were Robert Best’s mother and aunt. Best, pastor of the Mount Olivet church in Camden, N.J., never believed his nearly 80-year-old mother would make such a decision so late in her life. “My mother’s decision meant that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think,” says Best.
After attending the same conference, his aunt’s desire to be baptized just added to the blessing. The sisters have become evangelists by their own right, sharing the message with other family members.
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