Jonathan Duffy Retires From Kettering Health
Story by Kettering Health Staff
The Kettering Health family congratulates Jonathan Duffy, former executive director of Mission and Ministry, on his retirement at the end of 2023. Since joining Kettering Health in 2020, Duffy helped advance the system’s mission outreach and spiritual care functions by developing strong community relationships, leading our chaplains across the system, and advancing outreach to underserved communities.
A former president of ADRA International, Duffy previously served as CEO of ADRA Australia and as health director of the South Pacific Division. As he heads back down under, our prayers for blessings on Jonathan and his family go with him as he enters a new season of life.
A familiar face, Peter Bath, former Kettering Health vice president of Mission and Ministry, will serve as our mission leader for the first half of 2024. During the interim, the former Sligo church pastor will help us transition to new leadership for our mission function.
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