The Toledo First church recently embarked on a remarkable journey of faith and community engagement through its evangelism series, themed Fall BLAST (Building Lives Around Solid Truth).
Chesapake Conference recently hosted its annual “Seeds Vision” church planting conference at the North American Division (NAD) headquarters in Columbia, Md.
En marzo 2024, unos 776 asistentes, incluidos pastores y sus cónyuges, se reunieron en Hershey, Pennsylvania, para el Taller de Evangelismo de Columbia Union “Yo estoy contigo”.
En marzo, 23 de los 37 equipos que participaron en el evento Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) 2024 a nivel de Columbia Union Conference quedaron en primer lugar.
Last Sabbath, 23 Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference participated in the North American Division event in Greeley, Col.
Occupational therapists (OT) help clients return to daily activities. One crucial way OTs do this is by understanding each client’s unique wants and needs.
Shenandoah Valley Academy has helped me strengthen my relationship with God, learn to have integrity and, most importantly, treat others with kindness.