“A few months ago, Pastor Alejandro Bullón was speaking at [our] church, and he told the story of how his son had visited a church here in the states, and they were very unfriendly. ... No one said ‘hi’ or invited him for lunch,” says Balleza. “Then he said...
Did you hear about the students in Swedish schools who walk a daily mile, resulting in higher academic abilities? This report inspired me to start something
similar in my Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy classroom this year.
During the fifth Columbia Union Notable Persons of Honor Awards, union leaders recognized various individuals who have exemplified not only strong leadership, but service to God and their fellow men and women.
Earlier this year, the Hispanic Ministries Department set a goal to baptize at least 100 people in 100 days during the “100 Days of Harvest” evangelistic campaign. As part of this initiative, more than 800 people recently attended the 2018 Ohio Conference Hispanic Camp Meeting at Camp Mohaven in Danville, Ohio.
Kettering College recently celebrated its second annual KC Giving Day with donuts and coffee, Chick-fil-A, popcorn, and sweet treats. More importantly, the College celebrated with a spirit of giving among alumni, students, staff and friends.
Affectionately nicknamed “King of the South” by his pastoral peers, Ron Anderson ministers to a large district that includes Chillicothe, Jackson, Manchester and Portsmouth churches in rural, southern Ohio.