In his latest book, Perfect Grace, Tom Hughes, pastor of Ohio Conference’s Newark and Lancaster churches, shares about discouragement that came from his endless pursuit of perfection. In the book, Hughes provides the remedy.
Mariya Marton recalls with painful clarity the day her life turned upside down. She was pursuing a Master of Arts in Practical Theology and completing her internship at Ohio State University's hospital in Columbus, when she started feeling dizzy and sick.
Sometimes a ministry begins by happenstance. This was the case five years ago when leaders from the Women’s Ministries team of the Columbus Eastwood church made too many quilts for their annual campout.
The LEGO® Robotics club at Spring Valley Academy (SVA), named the Aquatic Engineers, recently built and programmed an autonomous robot with the ability to solve simulated challenges.
Seventh-day Adventists are among the most racially and ethnically diverse American religious groups. A groundbreaking survey Monte Sahlin conducted also confirmed that Adventism is not only browning but also graying. How will these demographic shifts impact how we minister in our communities?
At the 42nd Regular Constituency Meeting of the Ohio Conference, recently held at the Worthington church, a quorum of 289 delegates and 92 delegates-at-large voted to re-elect both President Ron Halvorsen Jr., and Secretary Oswaldo Magaña, and elected Michael D. Gilkey as treasurer and CFO.
Thirty-seven Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder teams recently participated in the North American Division’s Pathfinder Bible Experience in Florida. A sudden venue change in January proved to be a miracle in disguise, allowing a total of 193 teams to compete—an amount way beyond what organizers originally estimated.