Kettering Adventist HealthCare plans to build a 67,000 square-foot medical facility on land it purchased in Middletown on State Route 122, just southeast of I-75.
Members of Massillon Connections, a church plant led by Cindy Ferguson and her retired-pastor hus- band, Ken, have worked for the past three years to create “connections” with 11 community agencies.
Eight teams from the Columbia Union Conference placed first at the recent North American Division Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) in Chicago. Six teams placed second.
Spring Valley Academy begins construction of its new worship and performing arts center with a groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday, April 22, at 2:00 p.m.
Cuando planificamos una campaña Evangelística, pensamos en comisiones, un local y sobre todo en un buen predicador, o un evangelista con experiencia. En el distrito norte de Ohio, específicamente en la Iglesia de Willard el pastor pensó en que era hora de correr riesgos.
In recent months, newly proposed United States immigration policies have caused a wave of fear among many Seventh-day Adventist church members and their families across the Columbia Union Conference, making some too afraid to attend church. But some churches are working to help ease the fears.
Sixteen Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference will continue on to the North American Division finals in Chicago April 21-22.
What does high school chemistry, summer camp high ropes course, community health fairs and a new boiler for a church heating system have in common? All of them benefit from Ohio Advance.
In his book Mentoring by Design, Edward Marton, Ohio Conference youth director, poses the question, “How could a congregation release and empower young people for ministry, and disciples for service?”