Sarah Porter and other volunteers brainstormed ways to continue serving and decided on conducting virtual visits. Now, three or more times a week, Swiffer and other pet volunteers join Zoom calls to connect with workers at nurse stations.
Los miembros y sus líderes plantaron un récord de 65 iglesias en la Unión de Columbia en el 2019, informa Frank Bondurant, vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Ministerios.
“We support the development of new churches so as to establish a presence in communities that are not being served by our existing congregations, including in major urban centers like Baltimore, Reading, Pa., and Washington, D.C.,” says Frank Bondurant.
To highlight the important role that the Bible plays in our faith and daily life, the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee has voted 2021 as the “Year of the Bible.”
As the sun begins to rise, so do the students at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA)—for a 6:30 a.m. exercise class. Principal Burney Culpepper runs them through a vigorous morning workout. (Get tips on how you can create a fitness routine that works for you too!)