‘Jesus is the Answer!’
Editorial by Rick Remmers
We have finally arrived at the closing days of 2020. For so many unanticipated reasons, it has proven to be a watershed year. We know nearly everything in our lives has run into some measure of turbulence, and we don’t know when things will settle down or how different they will be in the years to come.
We can be thankful that through it all, Jesus has reconfirmed for us that He is truly the best and only answer to whatever crisis we face. When confronted with hatred and racism, we know Jesus created each person of every race. Jesus loves us as His own sons and daughters. Regardless of the potency of the coronavirus, Jesus is the Great Physician. He has the keys to death and the ability to restore life to those who have fallen asleep.
Jesus does not need to be voted in by election. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and every knee will bow and worship Him. This is based on the sure word of prophecy and not on any poll or ballot count.
The economy of the universe is in Jesus’ hands. While we look at unemployment rates, interest rates and bank account balances, Jesus prepares mansions fronted by streets of gold.
As we approach this trilogy of holidays, we can give thanks to Jesus for the grace and hope He gives to us. We can worship Him, remembering His first advent and anticipating His second. The new year, 2021, gives us the opportunity to tell others of Him. There are many still stunned and numb from the events of 2020. This upcoming year, we can tell them that Jesus is truly the answer.
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