Adventist HealthCare Plans to Add More Beds to Provide Care to Patients with COVID-19
Story by Betty Klinck
As COVID-19 cases rises in in Maryland and the Washington, D.C. region, Adventist HealthCare had continues preparing its facilities to respond to an increase in COVID-19 patients.
Adventist HealthCare has been working closely with the state of Maryland in the U.S. to coordinate additional capacity to care for COVID-19 patients. Adventist HealthCare is adding 178 beds across the organization’s three acute-care hospitals. Additionally, 200 temporary beds will be added at the former Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park, Md., for patients recovering from COVID-19, in partnership with the state.
All Adventist HealthCare facilities have suspended certain elective surgeries in response to COVID-19, freeing up such spaces for any surge in patients. Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville, Md., has prepared a second Intensive Care Unit and has plans to expand into areas such as its pre-operative spaces if additional beds are needed.
The newest hospital to join Adventist HealthCare, Fort Washington Medical Center in Prince George’s County, Md., is serving areas in the state that are among those most deeply impacted by COVID-19. To handle increased hospitalizations, Fort Washington has opened Maryland’s first medical-surgical field hospital to provide care for COVID-19 patients. The hospital will add additional temporary care units over the coming weeks.
Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center in Silver Spring, Md., has increased its bed capacity by adding ICU and medical-surgical beds throughout the facility The hospital also will convert 63 beds currently used for Rehabilitation patients in Takoma Park if it needs more space for a surge in patients.
The healthcare system is also lending its support by way of infrastructure, staffing and supplies to Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C. In February, Adventist HealthCare and Howard University, which operates Howard University Hospital, entered into a three-year management services agreement. Adventist HealthCare has since added a talented senior leadership team to help strengthen the hospital’s presence in the region.
“COVID-19 is a historic moment in Adventist HealthCare’s 113 years. We are grateful for the chance in this time of great need to extend God’s care to the people of Maryland and Washington, D.C., said Terry Forde, President and CEO, Adventist HealthCare. The growth of our system last year has provided an opportunity to help even more people in our area who need care so urgently right now.”
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