A Mountain View Conference History Lesson
Story by Valerie Morikone
Longtime Mountain View Conference (MVC) members may know interesting facts and statistics about the conference. Recent members who have moved here from other areas may be unaware of its early history. In either case, reviewing the past brings one face-to-face with God’s miracle-working power and what He has accomplished. As Ellen White says, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (Review and Herald, October 12, 1905).
Did You Know?
- Mountain View Conference was formerly known as West Virginia Conference, established in 1887, with only two ministers: President W. J. Stone and Secretary W. R. Foggin.
- In its first year, West Virginia Conference had about 200 Sabbath-keepers and totaled $346.72 in tithe.
- The conference held its first camp meeting in September 1887 in Parkersburg, W.Va., with 125 attending.
- The Fairmont (W.Va.) church was organized April 24, 1888, first named the Amos church. In 1912, the seven members transferred their church organization to Fairmont.
- The Parkersburg (W.Va.) church—organized in 1894—had no full-time pastor until 1947.
- In 1903, the Charleston (W.Va.) church was formed, starting with approximately 12 members who met in a home.
- With a membership of 10, the Morgantown (W.Va.) church was organized in September of 1906. Members met in various homes for the first 10 years, and then moved their meetings to an old storeroom that served as a chapel.
- The work in Wheeling, W.Va., began as a result of a six-month evangelistic effort, culminating in the organization of a church with 30 members in March 1927 and the purchase of a building in 1947.
- In 1928, a two-week evangelistic camp meeting was held in Buckhannon, W.Va.
- The Frostburg (Md.) church branched off from the Cumberland (Md.) church, and was organized in 1938 with 44 charter members. They first met in homes and later in the Gunter Hotel in Frostburg.
- In 1970, the conference purchased 167 acres near Huttonsville, W.Va., and it operated as a youth camp the following year. In February 1974, the conference purchased an additional 151 acres. This property is now known as Valley Vista Adventist Center.
- In September 1971, West Virginia Conference voted to change its name to Mountain View Conference.
* Most of the information used in this article was taken from “A History of Mountain View Conference,” presented at the 1975 MVC Constituency Meeting.
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