He Listens and Understands
Editorial by Jerry Lutz
In a world where trust and confidence are often breached, it is not wise to completely open one’s heart to just anyone.
Most of us learn early in life that trusting others with our innermost thoughts and deepest sentiments can be risky, and sometimes even dangerous. That’s because the metaphorical heart, the inner core of a human being, is vulnerable to attack and abuse by others, including the enemy of souls who would like nothing more than to see us dispirited, broken, and especially, distrustful of God.
But in Psalm 62:8, King David admonishes God’s people to, “Trust in Him at all times ... pour out your hearts to Him” (NIV). David is not suggesting that we cannot or should not trust others. Mutual trust is, of course, at the foundation of all healthy relationships. He is simply directing us to place full confidence in the only One in whose hands we are completely safe; One who will never break confidence or betray us; One who can always be trusted unreservedly. He already knows everything in our hearts and everything about us. There is nothing we can say or do that would shock or surprise Him. Since He understands us better than anyone else and knows us even better than we know ourselves, we can safely unburden ourselves to Him. “God is our refuge” (Ps. 46:1, NIV).
If you are tempted to think that God cannot possibly understand what you are feeling or going through, consider these reassuring words of the Apostle Paul: “The Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Rom. 8:26–27, NIV).
When we pray, the Holy Spirit interprets not just our words, but the unspoken utterances of our hearts. He listens to us, understands us completely and loves us eternally.
Jerry Lutz serves as the president of the Chesapeake Conference.
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