‘Moving Beyond the Walls' … TOGETHER!
Editorial by Charles A. Tapp
For the past several years, our mission here at the Potomac Conference has been to grow healthy disciple-making churches. That is because we believe our denomination’s foundation lies within the local church’s success. That, in a nutshell, is the reason we exist.
Recently, we have adopted the motto “Moving Beyond the Walls” because, regardless of how good a mission statement might be, success might easily evade our grasp without a way to achieve our goal. Moving beyond the walls means that here, in the Potomac Conference, we are no longer content that our churches merely have services inside its walls; instead, we are encouraging them to seek creative ways to assist others by moving beyond their walls. As devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic has been, it has provided us with the necessary “push” to go into our communities as never before so that we might become the salt and light that Jesus has admonished us to be. As we all know, salt is only effective when it leaves its shaker.
By God’s grace, this year we are determined to move beyond the walls and to do it as a TEAM: Together, Everyone Achieves More! We believe this mission should not be left up to our churches alone; to make this a reality, it will take a cooperative effort from our schools, conference administration and every member. Let’s achieve this goal together!
Charles A. Tapp serves as the president of the Potomac Conference.
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