The Toledo First church recently embarked on a remarkable journey of faith and community engagement through its evangelism series, themed Fall BLAST (Building Lives Around Solid Truth).
The youth and young adults from the English service of the Columbus Ghanaian church recently held an end-of-year church revival to strengthen the spiritual growth of the youth and community outreach.
One class can change a student’s life. Ask Elaina Halye, a senior at Spring Valley Academy, and she will tell you that the ceramics class she took her sophomore year did just that.
The youth and young adults from the English service of the Columbus Ghanaian church recently held an end-of-year church revival. The event was a culmination of the church's yearlong efforts to strengthen the spiritual growth of the youth and community outreach.
Ohio Conference's Beavercreek church recently held a community guest day, honoring officials from the city council, educators, health care professionals, and human and social service providers.
The most important thing that is going on at Spring Valley Academy is also the heartbeat of the school: the Campus Ministries Department, led by Chaplain Joel Greve and Assistant Chaplain Nicolas Chaij.
The leadership and members of the Ohio Conference held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of constructing a multipurpose pavilion for young people within its territory.