Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Pennsylvania Conference

News from the Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and its organizations.

Blue Mountain Academy students (right) referee the Reading Junior Academy team.

For more than five years, the Pennsylvania Conference has hosted regional robotics events at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg. The FIRST LEGO League and Adventist Robotics League provide opportunities for all young people to experience exciting “real-world” applications while upholding the values and integrity of a well-rounded Adventist education.

The Emotional Wellness Summit, held January 13-17 in Orlando, Fla., was designed for health professionals and leaders, pastors and those who want to know more about prevention, treatment and recovery strategies for better mental health. Two union attendees answer our question about the event, sponsored by the North American Division Adventist Health Ministries, the South American Division and General Conference.

In 1952 a real estate agent was tasked with finding the right property for the future Blue Mountain Academy (BMA). When he found it, he immediately called the president of what was then the East Pennsylvania Conference to share the news; however, he left out one vital piece of information: the land wasn’t for sale.

A small group of members interested in reaching the more than 15,000 Liberians living in the Philadelphia area reached out to Pastor Matthew Kamara who was completing a doctorate of ministry at Andrews University (Mich.). Kamara previously served as the treasurer of the Liberian Conference in Africa and planted several churches there and in South Bend, Ind.