Recently, local partnerships, including Kettering Health in Ohio, has allowed Gem City Market, located in Dayton, to open its doors to a community in need.
Most of the doors to our churches have had to close during the pandemic, but in closing our doors, the pandemic has caused a shift in our focus from being content to remain “behind the walls” in a service to going “beyond the walls” in giving service.
The Potomac Conference recently celebrated a busy season of ordinations. Since the beginning of the year, five pastors have been ordained to the gospel ministry.
Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Communication Department recently hosted its
sixth annual Connection and Ministry Conference (CAMCON), held virtually for the second year in a row.
Every spring and summer, I spend hours each week in my garden beds— planning, planting and weeding—trying to enrich the soil and finding the best plants for my semi-shaded plot.
It is an honor and privilege to be invited to serve the Columbia Union Conference for the 2021–2026 quinquennium. We solicit your prayers for our team, union family and worldwide church.