In the wake of the devastating invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, countless young lives were thrown into turmoil, with uncertainty clouding their dreams of education. Kettering College responded by developing a Ukrainian Student Initiative on campus.
Families are the building blocks of society. For many centuries and generations, it has been rightly observed by religious and secular leaders alike that how the family goes, so go neighborhoods, nations and the world.
Delegates at the Pennsylvania Conference 2023 Constituency Session experienced a great morning of praising God for the incredible ways He has blessed them over the last five years.
Ruth Nino, former principal of New Jersey Conference's Waldwick Adventist School, is Columbia Union's new assistant director for early childhood education.
Prior to the start of the 2023–24 academic school year, some 500 Columbia Union Conference educators got ‘schooled’ at the North American Division Educators’ Convention in Phoenix.