Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventist

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It seems as if the jungle, the mountains and rural areas are favorite destinations to send new ministers. I was no exception. My first district was in the deep forest of Nicaragua, surrounded by rushing rivers and deep lagoons. Our congregations resided in small communities nestled around these lagoons. Ninety percent of travel between them was by river, so we used an outboard motorboat to carry out pastoral work.

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In the movie The Sound of Music, Maria sings “My Favorite Things” to the von Trapp children to comfort them during a thunderstorm. She tells them that whenever she’s scared or upset, she simply sings about things that bring her comfort and joy. I figure if she can sing about “raindrops on roses,” then I should be able to use Scripture to do the same thing.

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I love this text, mostly because it is a simple proclamation of the gospel. But also because it sets the record straight in regard to the lies the serpent told in the Garden of Eden. Many people are still being convinced that God’s Word is not reliable, that God uses obedience to keep good things from his people and that we do not already have everything we need to reflect the image of God.