Sierra Fox, a sophomore at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa., recently received the Maryland Governor’s Volunteer Service Award on behalf of the students and horses of Great and Small.
Christian Record Services (CRS) honored Richard Klinedinst, an elder at Pennsylvania Conference’s York church, for 35 years of service as a CRS representative in eastern Pennsylvania.
“We love Pennsylvania, and we carry in our heart God’s work here,” said Pennsylvania Conference president Ray Hartwell warmly. “We’re committed to move God’s last day message forward.”
With broomsticks and a small inflatable ball, members from Pennsylvania Conference’s Hershey and Reading Hampton Heights churches, and their invited friends and co-workers, are regularly getting together to play a twist on an old favorite—Broomstick Hockey. Every four to six weeks, from September through May, an average of 40-50 players of all ages go out on the ice to have some good ol’ Christian fun. Because they play in their gym shoes, everyone has a fair shot at making a score.
After much thought and prayer, Pennsylvania Conference treasurer Rudolph “Mo” Pelley announced his retirement at the April 1 Executive Committee meeting. He has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church faithfully and with integrity for 49 years, spending the last 22 years in Pennsylvania. Pelley loved his job and the opportunities it offered.
Pennsylvania Faith United Against Tobacco, a diverse coalition of faith leaders from across the state, held a press conference recently at the state capitol to urge the legislature to enact comprehensive smoke-free legislation that covers all workplaces and protects all Pennsylvanians from the dangers of secondhand smoke.